
Understanding Accessibility Standards Canada's Roadmap to Barrier Free Canada by 2040

12th Aug 2024

Canada has always strived to be an inclusive society where people from all backgrounds and abilities can equally participate. With approximately 30% of Canadian adults living with some form of disability, removing barriers to accessibility has become imperative. Recognizing this need, the Government of Canada passed the Accessible Canada Act in 2019, which aims to achieve an Accessible Canada by 2040 where persons with disabilities can live independently and with dignity.


Accessibility Standards Canada plays a pivotal role in realizing this vision. It was established under the Accessible Canada Act to develop accessibility standards that will systematically remove barriers across priority areas like employment, transportation, built environment, etc. To effectively carry out this mandate, Accessibility Standards Canada developed a 'Roadmap to 2040', which outlines a comprehensive plan to guide its work towards a barrier-free Canada in the next two decades.


As a key supplier of tactile warning systems for the visually impaired, we at Tactile Solution Canada aim to enhance accessibility and safety for all through our products. In this comprehensive blog, we delve deeper into understanding Accessibility Standards Canada's Roadmap to 2040. We explain its strategic approach and timelines and how accessibility standards developed by it can positively impact Canadians with disabilities. Our goal is to spread awareness about initiatives promoting inclusion so contractors, building managers, and owners are encouraged to adopt accessible design practices from the outset.


Accessibility Standards Canada's Guiding Vision


The overarching vision driving Accessibility Standards Canada's work is to have a barrier-free Canada by the target date of January 1, 2040. Nevertheless, developing accessibility standards is just one part of achieving this audacious goal. For the standards to be impactful, they need to be incorporated into regulations by the Government and implemented on the ground by federal entities.


Accessibility Standards Canada recognizes it cannot accomplish this alone and needs to collaborate closely with other players, such as diverse disability communities, regulators, standards development organizations, and different levels of Government. The Roadmap thus outlines two key work streams: developing world-class accessibility standards while also positioning the organization as a strong leader, influencer, and partner.


Developing Accessibility Standards in Phases


Under its first work stream, Accessibility Standards Canada plans to develop standards in three rounds spanning the next two decades:


  • Round 1 (By the end of 2024): Standards addressing immediate priorities that can reduce barriers in the short term, such as employment, emergency planning, etc.

  • Round 2 (By the end of 2026): Standards focusing on areas with high impact but requiring more resources, such as complex built environment guidelines.

  • Round 3 (By the end of 2028): Standards for remaining and emerging issues to complete coverage of priority areas by 2033.


Multiple criteria are used to determine standards for each round, like level of barrier impact, resource needs, alignment with Canadians' priorities, and regulatory plans. Careful phasing allows for efficient marshaling of resources while retaining the flexibility to address new concerns. A built-in 5-year review cycle also keeps standards dynamic.


Leadership, Partnering, and Culture Change


The second work stream centers on positioning Accessibility Standards Canada as a strong influencer. This involves conducting ongoing research, including consulting disability communities and closely coordinating with regulators to help swiftly convert standards into mandatory rules.


International cooperation and harmonizing standards across Canada through relationships with provincial/territorial governments are also prioritized. Importantly, Accessibility Standards Canada recognizes that simply developing guidelines is not enough - it must work alongside stakeholders to foster a culture where inclusion is the norm through information, training, and best practices sharing.


Advancing Accessibility with Tactile Solution Canada


With years of experience in the tactile warning systems domain in Canada, we at Tactile Solution Canada understand first-hand the accessibility challenges faced, especially regarding indoor spaces like multi-floor buildings, transit terminals, arenas, hospitals, etc. Tactile products like our attention domes and directional bars serve as important wayfinding aids for visually impaired persons to detect hazards/changes in surfaces independently and confidently.


As Canada strives towards the 2040 goal, adopting principles of universal design from the beginning for both new and renovated buildings will be key. Retrofitting accessibility later tends to be more expensive and disruptive. We are committed to contributing to this mission by working closely with architects, designers, and contractors to incorporate inclusive design seamlessly.


Our extensive range of code-compliant cast iron, stainless steel, polymer, and rubber-based tactile systems offer flexible solutions for any indoor project while meeting all provincial/municipal guidelines. Integrating our products as per Accessibility Standards Canada's recommendations would future-proof structures to be barrier-free from day one as envisioned in the Roadmap.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What if the 2040 target is missed?

A. The 2040 deadline is ambitious but provides motivation. Even if some barriers persist beyond, progressive systematic efforts under the Roadmap will still enhance participation manifold. Continuous reviews also allow goals to be recalibrated as needed.


Q. How will standards impact Canadians?

A. Once incorporated into regulations, accessibility standards will create mandatory uniform requirements. This will translate to an improved quality of life whether seeking employment, accessing public services, or moving independently in daily life. Widespread adherence ultimately fosters a society with no limits for disabilities.


Q. What areas does my project require tactile solutions?

A. Reach out to us for a compliance assessment of your site plans. Our experts can identify code-mandated location for installing detectable warnings - stair nosings, edge strips, platform edges etc. Selection will depend on the nature of your project - commercial/institutional building, transit terminal, healthcare facility, and so on.


Going forward, we at Tactile Solution Canada are committed to supporting Accessibility Standards Canada's barrier-breaking efforts. Please feel free to contact us for any tactile product or compliance queries. Together, through diligent efforts across all fronts, we aim to help build the inclusive Canada envisioned in this pioneering Roadmap.

British Columbia Building Code 2024: Everything You Need to Know

12th Aug 2024

The Province of British Columbia officially adopted the 2024 edition of the BC Building Code on March 8, 2024, introducing several impactful changes. In this in-depth guide, we will comprehensively explore all aspects of the updated code regulations, compliance verification processes, permitted design flexibilities, and implications for construction stakeholders across BC.


Key Changes in the 2024 BC Building Code


The BC Building Code 2024 largely adopts the model 2020 National Construction Codes for consistency across Canada. Yet, some provisions have been customized to reflect BC's unique geography, climate, and policy priorities. Let's examine these key BC-specific updates in further detail:


1. Accessibility and Adaptability Requirements


For the first time, 100% of new dwelling units in buildings featuring three or more storeys and four or more residential occupancies must fully comply with adaptable dwelling design standards as defined under Part 3.8 of the Code. This aims to facilitate independent living for occupants through all life stages by future-proofing unit layouts and mechanical systems layouts.


Additionally, the ground floor units of all smaller multi-unit residential buildings featuring between two to four above-grade storeys must also adhere to the same adaptable dwelling design standards. For all other dwelling units, reinforced bathroom walls will facilitate future grab bar installations to assist aging residents.


2. Cooling Requirements


Recognizing British Columbia's warming climate trends, the Code now requires that every dwelling must incorporate at least one habitable living space, such as a living room or den, designed to remain below 26°C during peak summer indoor temperature conditions through ventilation or mechanical cooling provisions. This establishes a benchmark for resident thermal comfort.


3. Earthquake and Seismic Design Standards


To enhance building and structural resilience against seismic events, the Code has adopted stricter national standards for the earthquake-resistant design and construction of smaller houses, townhouses, and multi-unit residential buildings located within specified high earthquake hazard zones across the province.


4. Radon Mitigation Requirements


Reflecting radon's established risks to respiratory health, the Code has introduced prescriptive language specifying the installation of extended subsurface rough-ins and cavity preparations to facilitate future retrofitting of radon depressurization mitigation systems province-wide, regardless of measured radon levels.


Code Implementation Timelines and Transitions


While most 2024 Code changes officially took effect on March 8, 2024, and applied to all new building permit applications from that date onwards, the Province recognized that additional transition periods were prudent for some updates. Specifically, the new requirements for adaptable dwellings and strengthened earthquake design provisions will have a deferred effective date of March 10, 2025.


This calibrated approach aims to balance housing supply needs while allowing construction professionals sufficient time for training, cost-benefit analyses, and developing innovative design solutions conforming to the new standards with minimal impacts. Buildings already permitted under previous Code editions are largely exempt unless they are undergoing substantial renovations triggering full upgrades.


Such measured implementation, supported by a year-long notification, helps enable smoother industry and regulatory compliance verification processes overall. The Province recognizes that both building safety and housing supply priorities must be optimized through practical phased transitions.


Code Alignment with National Requirements


For consistency across Canada, the BC Building Code largely adopts the format and technical content of the model National Construction Codes released on a three-year cycle. However, some chapters reflective of BC's unique building contexts, like standards for large farm structures, have been deferred pending further review and substantiation, given different climatic conditions and land use patterns.


Overall, this alignment approach seeks to streamline compliance verification processes for all stakeholders active across provincial or territorial borders while still allowing customization of uniquely applicable requirements. The deferred chapters provide an opportunity for additional engagement tailored to BC needs.


Accessing the BC Building Code 2024


For accessibility, transparency, and universal adoption, the fully updated BC Building Code 2024 is provided free for download on the Province's official Building and Safety Standards website in intelligent digital file formats. Hard print editions encapsulating the Code and referenced standards are anticipated to be made available for purchase later in 2024 from the same online portal.


The Province will officially notify all subscribers once print publications are ready to order, aiming to facilitate adoption across BC's diverse geography through multiple access modes. Until then, registered professionals and other construction stakeholders can smoothly reference the fully searchable digital Code.


Code Compliance Verification Processes


While the BC Building Code 2024 establishes uniformly applied minimum construction standards, design flexibility remains permitted. Registered Architects, Engineers, and Building Officials oversee facilitating Code-compliant solutions. At the project application stage, professionals verify that technical drawings and specifications meet requirements.


Construction must then be properly inspected on-site by the Authority whose jurisdiction has been appointed for the corresponding local government. Upon full occupancy readiness confirmation, including final inspections and life-safety system testing, an occupancy permit or similar approval allows the activation of the building for end use.


Off-Site Construction Pathways


British Columbia recognizes the potential for modular and off-site construction approaches to address housing supply needs through streamlined delivery. However, all building assembly and components must still fully satisfy all applicable BC Building Code technical requirements that would apply to site-built equivalents.


Modules constructed at controlled factory environments today facilitate more stringent materials and process quality assurance compared to conventional job site construction, which is prone to variability. But prefabricated assemblies are not exempt and ensure regulated compliance verification, inclusive of Authority oversight at the entry point into BC from other jurisdictions if applicable.


Flexibility through "Alternative Solutions"


While aiming to establish construction safety baselines, the BC Building Code also supports innovative design by permitting documented "Alternative Solutions" that can thoroughly demonstrate achieving equivalent or improved results relative to stated objectives and functional statements.


Registered professionals developing Alternative Solutions bear the onus of performing due diligence to prove equivalency through performance testing or comparative risk assessments vetted and authorized by the Authority Having Jurisdiction for a given local government or geographic area. Where proven, flexibility drives progress toward environmental, social, and economic priorities.


Providing Climate Resilience


Through the adoption of national building science advancements, the BC Building Code supports increasing communities' climate resilience and minimizing disruptions from more intense or frequent weather events attributed to climate change. Alongside reducing emissions through minimum energy efficiency standards, the Code enhances adaptive capacity.


As infrastructure resilience gains prominence, the BC Building Code's role in future-proofing structures will further grow in importance, given rising risks from factors like subsidence, flooding, wildfires, and hazardous events compounded by climate change. Periodic upgrades aim to safeguard residents province-wide.


Accessibility Infrastructure Requirements


Many elements in the strengthened BC Building Code 2024 directly impact the specification of code-compliant <a href="">tactile products</a> serving requirements for detectable warning systems and directional guidance cues upholding independent mobility.


Our team of accessibility experts is dedicated to supporting all actors in the construction sector in smoothly transitioning towards and verifying compliance in implementing these enhanced infrastructure standards, which benefit people of varying abilities across British Columbia through tactile products suited for indoor and outdoor applications.


Frequently Asked Questions


A few commonly asked questions on the BC Building Code 2024 include:


Q. What if my existing building does not fully meet the new standards?

Generally, previous Code editions will continue governing until substantial renovations occur, triggering the requirement for full upgrades.


Q. How long is a building permit valid for beginning construction?

Permits issued by local Authorities will remain in effect for 180 calendar days from the date of issuance, and they can be extended for another 180 days maximum upon re-application before expiry if work has begun.


Q. Can buildings permitted elsewhere satisfy the BC code without alterations?

Any assembly, including prefabricated or modular units, must either demonstrate full code compliance at the time of permitting or be modified to satisfy BC requirements before occupancy permission is granted within the province's boundaries.


Q. Where can architects or builders find code interpretations?

Authority Having Jurisdiction officials can provide preliminary binding views. Clarification letters involving urgent issues are posted by the Building and Safety Standards Branch online database and are searchable by Code article for precedents.


We hope this comprehensive guide has equipped you with knowledge to smoothly navigate the updated BC Building Code 2024 as an informed construction professional, building owner or user. Feel encouraged to reach out should any other queries arise regarding accessibility solutions for your upcoming projects.

The History and Evolution of Tactile Walking Surface Indicators Over Time

12th Aug 2024

Tactile walking surface indicators, also known as detectable warning surfaces, have come a long way since their inception in the mid-20th century. From humble beginnings as an accessibility solution, tactile products today have transformed accessibility globally and continue advancing. Let's explore the rich history and milestones in the evolution of these indispensable pedestrian cues.


Origins in Post-War Japan


The need for tactile surfaces traces back to post-World War 2 Japan, where nearly half a million military personnel and civilians suffered vision impairment or limb loss. As the nation rebuilt its devastated cities, large numbers of visually impaired veterans faced mobility challenges navigating unfamiliar urban landscapes independently.


In 1965, an engineering student named Seiichi Miyake at Okayama University sought to address this issue. Inspired by reading Braille as a child, he developed the world's first functional tactile paving system - textured concrete cubes with raised bumps resembling Braille dots, detectable underfoot and with a cane.


Miyake's innovative design was chosen for the first tactile installation that very same year near a school for the blind in his hometown of Okayama City. Constructed under his supervision, this pioneering 60-square-metre test site along a busy street crossing kickstarted the tactile paving revolution. Local residents quickly realized its benefits in aiding safe street crossing.


Word of the 'Tenji Blocks' spread across Japan, with early adoptions at pedestrian crossings and transit platforms. Key was the tactile cues' ability to empower independent mobility among growing numbers of vision impaired veterans wishing to participate in post-war reconstruction. Within a decade, tactiles became ubiquitous nationwide and systematically integrated into urban design standards.


Spread across Asia-Pacific and Beyond


Through the 1970s, other Asia-Pacific nations caught on to tactiles' potential in promoting safe, barrier-free mobility. Australia began mandating installations through the Disability Discrimination Act of 1992. The United Kingdom saw compliant tactile deployments through initiatives by the Department for Transport to upgrade infrastructure.


These early adopting countries collaborated closely with Japanese tactile manufacturers, exchanging insights that helped refine designs, standardization, and installation best practices. Established international guidelines promoted intuitive uniformity in cue meanings across divergent cultures and languages.


By the late 1980s, tactiles had permeated streetscapes globally in cities with progressive disability inclusion policies. Notable were expansive tactile rollouts transforming urban landscapes of Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Seoul to enhance pedestrian access universally. Intercontinental knowledge transfers laid the groundwork to systematically integrate tactiles into built environments worldwide.


Early Adoption in North America and Europe


Through the 1970s, tactile products spread internationally, inspired by Japan's success. Australia mandated tactile via the Disability Discrimination Act of 1992, while the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 fostered U.S. adoption.


The U.K. Department for Transport led early compliant installations. As standards emerge globally, city infrastructures increasingly incorporate tactiles as mandatory cues at civic spaces like transit hubs, enhancing safety and independence for all.


Advancing Materials and Design


Initially relying on simple concrete cubes, tactile designs evolved, incorporating new durable materials. Cast iron, stainless steel, and polymer composites delivered slip-resistant textures perfectly mimicking Braille dots.


Profile variations now provided directional bars apart from dome cues while color-contrasting borders aided visibility. Products like ArmorTile offer modular outdoor solutions that are better resilient to freeze-thaw cycles and vandalism.


Consolidating International Compliance


By the 2000s, tactile design saw intensified standardization through organizations like the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to harmonize global compliance criteria. Published standards addressed installation best practices and benchmarked material performance traits.


The key was 2015's ISO 23599:2007 standard, which outlined tactile tile properties for slip-resistance, impact durability, weathering, and dimensional stability—essential for ensuring the longevity and safety of installed cues. Products underwent rigorous testing certification before receiving compliant ratings.


Meanwhile, regional codes emerged across Europe, Australia, the Americas, and beyond, mandating tactile use based on precise specifications. In Canada, the AODA legislation of 2005 consolidated national requirements by referencing ISO and CSA standards to promote barrier-free mobility consistently.


Such rigorous oversight globally advanced tactile accessibility – synchronizing expectations for manufacturers, contractors, and facility managers while protecting end-users reliant on detectable surfaces for navigation and hazard avoidance. Overall compliance raised tactile adoption standards industry-wide.


AI-Driven Innovation


Today's tactiles are intelligent. RFID and QR-coded tiles transmit location data, assisting navigation apps. Select models embed LED lights, aiding low-light mobility.


AI-powered devices recognize tactile layouts, providing audible mapping. Contactless designs even eliminate germ exchange. New materials like 3D-printed stone composites deliver enhanced durability and aesthetics.


Global Leadership in Accessible Design


Progressive cities worldwide adopted inclusive planning mandating tactiles across the civic infrastructure. Tokyo, London, and Singapore established global benchmarks through coordinated district retrofits that connect amenities to be barrier-free.


Canada's urban centers also progressed in accessibility through collaboration. Today, tactile-compliant infrastructure empowers millions to navigate inclusively and independently, transforming lives.


Tactiles Solutions in Canada


Nearly most Canadian infrastructure requires tactile indoors per building codes for paths, stairs, and platforms. Core products forming code-compliant options include:


  • Armor Tile and Access Tile cast paver systems for high-traffic outdoor applications

  • Advantage Guidance Line single-dome columns ideal for indoor wayfinding

  • Eon Tile bonded rubber tiles neatly upgrade existing surfaces

  • Ecoglo nosing indicators and signage aids egress compliance


Our team offers expert guidance on choosing optimal solutions that meet AODA, NBC, and regional municipality standards for indoor/outdoor use, new builds, and renovations.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What was the first tactile surface system?

The world's first tactile paving system was developed in 1965 by Seiichi Miyake in Okayama, Japan.


Q. When did codes require tactiles?

Major standards and legislations driving tactile adoption include the ADA (1990), AODA (2005), ISO 23599:2007, and the National Building Code of Canada (2015).


Q. Are tactiles required outdoors, too?

Yes, accessibility codes mandate tactiles outdoors at hazards like pedestrian crossings, stair/ramp edges, and hazardous grade changes as per AODA IASR.


Q. How do I choose suitable tactiles?

Factors include location, existing substrate, traffic levels, aesthetics, and, most importantly - confirmation of code compliance for your regional requirements. Consultation with experts is recommended.


Q. Can existing floors be upgraded?

Many tile systems are specifically engineered to smoothly bond to a variety of existing flooring materials, extending their functional lifespan, provided substrate conditions permit.


We hope this covered the rich history, evolution, and key requirements around tactile walking surfaces. Please reach out to Tactile Solution Canada if you have any other queries on enhancing accessibility for your upcoming projects through our code-compliant solutions.

How TWSI Installation Improve Sidewalk Accessibility for All

12th Aug 2024

Improving sidewalk accessibility through the proper installation of Tactile Walking Surface Indicators (TWSI) is crucial for fostering inclusive communities in Canada. As the population grows and evolves, creating universally accessible pedestrian routes is more important than ever.


Understanding the Need for Tactile Solutions


Over 2 million people in Canada have some form of serious vision loss. Navigating busy public spaces presents considerable challenges for the blind or visually impaired, who rely heavily on other senses like hearing and touch for wayfinding and hazard detection.


While advanced technologies like assistive apps and devices have improved independence, the outdoor environment still poses difficulties due to its ever-changing nature. Continual foot traffic, street furniture placement, and uneven surfaces make sidewalks difficult to traverse safely without clear tactile cues.


The Role of TWSI in Accessible Design


Tactile Walking Surface Indicators, commonly known as detectable warning tiles or panels, play a vital yet overlooked role in universal design. Consisting of distinctive patterns underfoot, they alert pedestrians visually impaired of impending hazards or directional changes ahead.

TWSI serves multiple purposes as per international accessibility standards:


  • Warning Tactile: Indicates potential dangers like drop-offs or street crossings with a coarse dome pattern.

  • Guidance Tactile: Features aligned bars to direct flows of travel along accessible routes in a linear way.

  • Integrated Tactile: Combines warning and guidance functions for optimal wayfinding.


By providing tangible sensory feedback, TWSI bridges the gap between independent navigation and environmental obstacles for those with low or no vision. They mark a crucial first step in building welcoming, inclusive spaces for people of all abilities.


Key Codes and Regulations for TWSI in Canada


To standardize detectable surfaces nationwide, Canada has implemented robust accessibility legislation governing TWSI design and placement:


  • The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) mandates the incorporation of TWSI wherever pedestrian routes intersect vehicle zones.

  • CSA B651-18: Specifies dimensional and technical requirements like dome height, spacing embedded depth, slope, etc.

  • Ontario Building Code (OBC): References AODA compliance for all new construction and redevelopment projects.

  • National Building Code of Canada (NBC): Sets guidelines for emergency egress paths and accessible elements.


Adhering to applicable codes ensures TWSI provides consistent sensory cues adhering to dimensional tolerances tested to be detectable underfoot. It also eliminates potential liabilities from non-compliance.


Best Practices for TWSI Installation


Some key strategies Tactile Solution Canada recommends contractors follow for optimal TWSI installation:


  • Use surfaces matching surrounding paving materials for uniformity.

  • Ensure slopes do not exceed max. 1:50 cross-fall and 1:20 running slope as per AODA.

  • Embed products flush within 1/32" as per manufacturers' instructions.

  • Apply detectable widths extending full ramp/landing as required by codes.

  • Use recommended adhesives like epoxy for permanent bonding.

  • Inspect the cured adhesive bond thoroughly before permitting use.

  • Consider life-cycle costs with durable, slip-resistant polymers or metals.

  • Maintain minimum clearances around protruding objects as per AODA.


Adhering to these best practices results in seamless, long-lasting TWSI that enhances safety and independence for all sidewalk users.


Common Compliance Issues to Avoid


Frequently encountered code violations undermine the effectiveness of TWSI and endanger pedestrian safety:


  • Improper surface slopes exceeding maximum ratios.

  • Truncated domes are not distinct/raised enough to be detectable underfoot.

  • Inadequate dimensional tolerances like oversizing domes.

  • Incomplete installation omitting required detectable widths.

  • Unsuitable adhesives lead to premature failure and hazards.

  • Defective bonding allows water accumulation and falls.

  • Ramps missing necessary detectable top/bottom landings as per code.


Following manufacturers' directions and diligent workmanship eliminates such compliance gaps. Tactile Solution Canada offers expert project support to ensure solid, long-lasting installations.


Choosing Durable, Code-Compliant TWSI Systems


When upgrading sidewalk accessibility, specifying certified TWSI products matched to site conditions and traffic loads is paramount. Some top options available from Tactile Solution Canada include:


  • ArmorTile Cast-in-place & Surface Applied Systems: High-performing diamond-hard vitrified polymer composites for extreme use areas.

  • AccessTile Replaceable Cast-in-place and Surface Applied Tiles: Easy maintenance of engineered polymer tiles in multiple textures.

  • AdvantageOne Domes & Bars: Precision-molded/poured metal indicators lasting decades underfoot.

  • EonTile Flexible Rubber Tiles: User-friendly rubber tiles suitable for indoor/outdoor use.

  • ElanTile Porcelain Tactile: Ultra-durable glazed porcelain, minimizing future repair/replacement costs.


All solutions undergo rigorous testing to surpass AODA, CSA B651, and IFC compliance standards for optimum maneuverability, color contrast, and weather resistance.


Maintaining Compliance Through Regular Assessment


While correct TWSI installation paves the path to accessibility initially, long-term usability depends on ongoing maintenance:


  • Inspect semi-annually for bonded joint integrity, bolting/anchoring, and surface wear under AODA audits.

  • Remove debris and grit build-up that may obscure tactile patterns with gentle scrubbing.

  • Assess for replacement needs due to vandalism, aging, and substrate failure triggering slip hazards.

  • Tighten any loose fasteners and refill anchoring voids with manufacturer-approved products.

  • Consider recoating painted surfaces or renewing deteriorated coatings as required.


Regular condition assessments and prompt remedial actions ensure that TWSI sustains its critical function of warning and guiding vulnerable sidewalk users safely along their journeys.


Improving Sidewalk Design for Future-Proof Accessibility


To future-proof investment in TWSI infrastructure, integrating accessibility proactively into design benefits communities long-term:


  • Incorporate input from advocacy groups representing people with disabilities early in planning.

  • Reference advisory design guidelines over minimum code standards for enhanced usability.

  • Allow sufficient clearances and slope transitions for mobility devices in higher foot traffic zones.

  • Consider amenities like benches and curb ramps meeting the latest universal design principles.

  • Select durable, low-maintenance paving and tactile materials suited to regional weather patterns.

  • Engage accessibility consultants verifying compliance and effectiveness of routing/wayfinding.


With thoughtful upfront consideration, TWSI fulfills its vital role in creating intuitive, welcoming spaces people of all abilities can confidently and independently explore.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What is the lifespan of professionally installed TWSI?

A. Quality products from reputed manufacturers typically last 10-25 years under normal wear with proper care. High-traffic locations may require more frequent monitoring and renewals.


Q. How often should TWSI be inspected?

A. The AODA mandates biannual audits. Yet, inspecting TWSI during routine seasonal sidewalk maintenance helps catch small issues before they escalate into hazards.


Q. What types of TWSI are suitable for interior vs exterior use?

A. Rubber and porcelain TWSI hold up well in both environments. For outside, consider durable metal composites or epoxy concretes. Avoid materials sensitive to weathering without adequate sealants.


Q. How can existing non-compliant ramps/tiles be upgraded affordably?

A. Surface-applied systems allow retrofitting without major reconstruction. Certified products like AccessTile and EONTile click onto existing ground easily during closures, minimizing disruption.


Q. What adhesives does Tactile Solution Canada recommend for bonding TWSI?

A. We suggest rapid-setting, moisture-resistant epoxies rated for continuously wet surfaces. Our technical representatives can assist with adhesive selection based on site/climate specifics.


Ensuring pedestrian safety through code-compliant TWSI installation benefits people of all abilities. Tactile Solution Canada aims to foster inclusive communities one project at a time with expertise, service, and solutions you can trust. We hope you contact us soon to upgrade your sidewalk accessibility and contribute to a better living environment for all.


Considering Tactile Options for High Rise-Buildings

12th Aug 2024

With urbanization and growing populations, high-rise buildings are increasingly becoming common infrastructure across major cities in Canada. As buildings get taller, ensuring accessibility for people with vision loss becomes more crucial yet challenging. High rise buildings pose unique accessibility requirements due to their scale and additional safety factors involved. While codes provide guidelines, choosing the right tactile solution requires an in-depth understanding of the needs and limitations.


In this blog, we will explore various tactile system options suitable for high-rise buildings and how they comply with Canadian codes. We will also discuss key considerations and best practices for creating fully accessible indoor environments in tall structures. By the end, you will have a comprehensive understanding of choosing the right solution according to your project needs.


Code Requirements for High-Rise Buildings in Canada


Before looking at tactile options, let's review some key accessibility requirements for high-rise buildings as per Canadian codes:


  • The Ontario Building Code (OBC) requires all buildings with 7 or more floors to have accessible design features like elevators, ramps, door widths, fire-resistant tactile tiles, etc.

  • Similarly, the Accessible Design for the Built Environment standard (ANSI A117.1), followed by many US states, requires accessible features in buildings with an occupancy of 1000 or more persons or buildings four or more stories high.

  • Guidelines for the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) also outline accessibility provisions needed in buildings over 2 floors tall based on the estimated number of occupants.

  • Tactile Walking Surface Indicators (TWSIs) are mandatory in indoor common-use areas like lobbies, corridors, and stairs in high rises as per ANSI, OBC, and CSA standards.

  • Per the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) and NBC Emergency Lighting provisions, photoluminescent exit signs with Braille signage are essential for wayfinding in an emergency.

  • Additional slip-resistant and visible products may be required on wet area flooring as per slip resistance standards.


So, in summary, accessibility features become increasingly important with building height, as per codes across North America, to safely evacuate people during emergencies. Let's explore tactile options that meet all these code requirements.


Evaluating Tactile System Options


When choosing a tactile solution for indoor use in high-rise buildings, some key factors to consider include:


  • Material Strength—For durability, the texture needs to withstand heavy foot traffic and cleaning chemicals over the years without deterioration. Materials like engineered polymers are suitable.

  • Slip Resistance—Indoor tactile surfaces, especially in entrance lobbies and around amenities, need an R-value of 10 or more per the ANSI A137.1 standard to prevent slips on wet surfaces.

  • Emergency Evacuation - Tactiles and wayfinding signs must be visible during power outages to evacuate occupied areas safely, per NBC codes. Photoluminescent materials are ideal.

  • Ease of Maintenance - Solutions requiring less maintenance over time are preferable to minimize disruption and costs for facilities managers.

  • Cost Effectiveness - Initial and lifecycle costs are important factors for return on investment, especially in large installations spanning multiple floors.

  • Code Compliance - Solutions must meet all TWSI sizing, spacing, and contrast requirements of codes like OBC, A117.1, etc.


Given these criteria, the top options suitable for high rises include:


1. Engineered Polymer Floor Plates:


Modern polymer composite plates from AccessTile offer the benefits of stable dimensional properties, corrosion resistance, and maintenance-free surfaces. Engineered formulas ensure compliance with codes through rigorous testing. While polymer solutions have lower upfront costs, iron and porcelain options have greater longevity benefits for high rises.


3. Glued-Down Surface Strips:


Prefabricated polymer detectable warning strips can be adhered directly over finished flooring substrates in corridors, stairs, or landings through contact cement. They are suitable for residential towers and smaller commercial buildings. However, most codes don't allow peel-and-stick applications in high-traffic commercial spaces.


4. Photoluminescent Exit Path Markings:


Emergency signage with proprietary glowing pigments effectively light the way out even during power outages. When equipped with tactile letters, they actively contribute to evacuation of people with disabilities. Signs can adhere or be surface mounted based on location needs.


5. Slip-Resistant Stair Nosings:


Ecoglo aluminum stair nosings improve traction on stair treads and meet code minimum dimensions. Nosing strips integrate photoluminescence for safer nighttime evacuation from stairs.


Additional Considerations for High-Rise Implementation


Aside from code compliance, some additional factors warrant attention for high rise tactile implementations:


  • Emergency Preparedness: Tactile solutions need to withstand maximum building load or population capacity as per fire and evacuation plans.

  • Fall Zone Protection: Avoid surface-applied tactiles in areas over 2 floors high as per ANSI standards to prevent falls in case of de-bonding.

  • Aesthetic Integration: Porcelain and groutable cast tiles integrate seamlessly with modern flooring, while polymer options come in multiple hues.

  • Lead Times: Larger projects may require specialist fabrication or tooling with longer lead times for compliance.

  • Installation Disruption: Consider cleanup requirements and potential passenger inconvenience during overlay installations.

  • Maintenance Plans: Outline policies for periodic inspections, repairs, or touch-ups to maintain accessibility over the years.

  • Access Ramps: Address ramp-to-tactile transitions as per sloped surface provisions to avoid tripping hazards.

  • Signage Placement: Locate exit path markings and interior signs per the code-recommended mounting heights for ease of recognition.


Taking these aspects into account will result in a code-compliant, future-proofed indoor tactile solution aligned with your building's long-term operation and safety needs.


Frequently Asked Questions


Here are some commonly asked questions about tactile solutions for high-rise buildings:


Q. What is the usable lifespan of different tactile materials in high-traffic indoor applications?

Engineered polymers would last 15-20 years on average with minimal maintenance. Expect touch-ups or replacements as part of periodic maintenance plans.


Q. Can self-adhesive tiles be used instead of inset panels for overlay jobs?

While glue-down strips are inexpensive for renovation, most codes don't permit peel-and-stick surfaces in high-usage commercial areas like office towers due to the risk of de-bonding over time.


Q. Which tactile pattern is suitable for transitions between floors?

Combination directional/attention dome patterns help safely guide visually impaired people across level changes per A117.1 guidelines. Consider cast/modular systems for the seamless tiled interface.


Q. What evacuation signage is required in areas lacking emergency lighting?

Photoluminescent exit signs or floor markings that provide direction to exits even in no-light conditions per NBC. Braille labels further assist people with vision loss as per code.


Q. How often should tactile be inspected in high rises?

Annual inspections are prudent to identify repairs, with more frequent checks after major renovations. Keep maintenance records and address issues promptly to ensure uninterrupted accessibility.


We hope this in-depth blog has provided useful insights into considering the right tactile solution for your indoor high-rise building project while meeting all code and safety requirements. Choosing a durable, code-compliant system aligned with your specific needs will ensure long-term accessibility. Please get in touch with Tactile Solution Canada if you need any other information or have additional questions.


Selecting the Proper Tactile for Indoor vs Outdoor Needs

12th Aug 2024

When it comes to accessibility, one size does not fit all. As experts in tactile solutions, we at Tactile Solution Canada understand the unique demands various indoor and outdoor applications place on navigational aids. This comprehensive guide delves deeper into choosing code-compliant tactile products optimized for their intended settings.


Indoors or outdoors, the overarching goal remains the same - fostering safe, intuitive accessibility for all. Nevertheless, mother nature and demanding foot traffic take their toll over time if not properly addressed. Outdoor elements ravage while indoor interference abounds. Let's explore strategic considerations for empowering accessibility sustainably through appropriate specifications.


Prioritizing Indoor Aesthetics


While safety remains paramount indoors, wayfinding tactile solutions must complement interior aesthetics over extended lifecycles:


  • Style: Contemporary tiles integrate tactility seamlessly with flooring styles spanning decades of trends.

  • Material: Porcelain and stainless steel suit the elegance of offices and retail without appearing "institutional."

  • Colors: Neutral greys and blacks accent interiors subtly versus the signature safety yellow of exteriors.

  • Longevity: Hard-wearing polymer composites and rubber withstand foot traffic without visible wear for 15+ years.


Elan porcelain tactiles and rubber-based Eon tiles maintain the dignity of design matched with enduring functionality indoors.


Differing Applications Considered


Specialist indoor applications necessitate solutions optimized accordingly:


  • Stairs: Anti-slip Ecoglo stair nosings paired with visual/tactile truncated domes at landings identifiers safely guide stair ascent/descent in any lighting condition.

  • Signage: Photoluminescent exit signs and tactile lettering enable wayfinding/schedule accessibility for those with low vision or blindness.

  • Transit: Heavy-duty metal tiles withstand transit facility footfall intensity without damage.

  • Lobbies: Porcelain Elan tiles suit contemporary commercial interior aesthetics alongside code compliance.


Proper care in product selection optimizes universal accessibility sustainably.


Special Considerations for Moist Environments


Areas prone to puddle spills demand moisture resistance for longevity:


  • Porcelain Tile: Nonporous glazed surfaces repel water and exempt sealing requirements of other materials. Tolerates intermittent flooding/pooling.

  • Stainless Steel: Naturally resistant to moisture infiltration or deterioration without applied sealants/coatings.


Always follow manufacturer cleaning/maintenance guides matching individual product specifications.


Code Compliant Tactile Solutions for Indoor Public Spaces


For indoor spaces, these are some ideal code-compliant tactile systems:


1. Elan Tile Porcelain System


Elan Tile porcelain tactile suits indoor applications with aesthetic needs. Products include:


  • Elan Porcelain Attention Domes: Warning indicators about potential hazards. Color contrasted for high visibility.

  • Elan Porcelain Wayfinding Bars: Visual and tactile arrows for path navigation. Available in different sizes.


2. Access Tile Tactile System


Access Tile offers indoor solutions like:


  • Single Embedded Domes/Bars: Individual tactile domes or bars drilled into existing floors. No demolition is needed.

  • Surface-Applied Tactile Tiles: Polymer tiles applied on floors with adhesive. Easy to install and replace.

  • Fire-Rated Tactile Tiles: Meets fire code for stairs, lobbies, and corridors. Compulsory in buildings with more than 7 floors.


3. Eon Tile Rubber Tactiles


Eon Tile flexible rubber tactile suits a variety of indoor applications:


  • Surface-Applied Attention Domes: Alert pedestrians about upcoming drop-offs or hazards through texture.

  • Surface-Applied Wayfinding Bars: Provides directional cues to guide users to destinations.


Code Compliant Tactile Solutions for Outdoor Public Spaces


Here are some top compliant tactile systems available in Canada for outdoor settings:


1. Armor Tile Tactile System


Armor Tile offers durable ADA, CSA, ISO, and OBC-compliant tactile solutions for outdoor spaces. Key products include:


  • Cast-In-Place Concrete Tiles: Embedded in fresh concrete for pedestrian crossings, plazas, etc. Highly durable and withstands heavy loads. 

  • Surface-Applied Polymer Tiles: Applied on existing surfaces using adhesive. Ideal for retrofit projects. Available in standard and fire-rated options. 

  • Replaceable Metal Tiles: Interlocking metal tiles installed on compacted gravel or hard surfaces for pedestrian routes.


2. Advantage Tactile Systems


This robust tactile system suits high-traffic outdoor applications. Products include:


  • Cast Iron Tiles: Heavy-duty cast iron tiles installed in concrete for high footfall areas. Withstand snow plows and construction vehicles. 

  • Premier metal Tiles: Cast iron tiles with unique designs and patterns for aesthetic appeal. Ensure safety with style. 

  • Stainless Steel Plates: Single stainless-steel plates installed into concrete. Optionally available with decorative patterns.


3. Access Tile Tactile System


Access Tile offers lightweight polymer-based systems. Products suitable for outdoors:


  • Cast-In-Place Tactile Tiles: Lightweight tiles installed in fresh concrete. Non-slip textures enhance traction. 

  • Surface-Applied Tactile Tiles: Applied on existing surfaces with adhesive. Ideal for renovation projects.


Maximizing Durability with Materials


Selecting optimized materials outlasts standards, minimizing replacements:



  • Concrete > 15 years apx

  • Cast Aluminum > 20 years apx

  • Cast Iron > 20 years apx



  • Porcelain > 20 years apx

  • Stainless Steel > 30 years apx

  • Rigid Polymer Composites > 25 years apx

  • Rubber > 15 years apx


Reputable manufacturers warrant quality, expertise, and solution lifecycles through ongoing support.


Installation Variables


Application methods influence lifespan:


  • Surface-Applied Indoors: Bonding strength maintains tiles over time versus demountable options.

  • Cast Installations: Integral installation shields tiles from vandalism and abrasion versus surface bonding susceptible to degrading.

  • New Construction: Casting tiles within structural concrete maximizes the longevity of new builds.

  • Renovations: Surface application retrofits accessibility onto existing structures cost-effectively vs demolition.


Understanding each product/substrate compatibility guards against premature failures from improper installation.


Maintenance is Key


Periodic inspection and basic cleaning uphold accessibility standards:


  • Inspect Quarterly: Note degrading slip-resistance and truncation reduction requiring refurbishment.

  • Sweep Weekly: Avoid accumulation, obscuring textures, and staining finishes.

  • Spot-Clean: An annual deeper cleaning restores a like-new appearance without damage.

  • Replace as Needed: Proactively replace approaching end-of-service-life indicators under warranties.

  • Contractors: Available for specialized needs like restoration and preventative replacements.


Diligent care safeguards user safety and building liability long-term.


Does this help clarify critical variables for outdoor versus indoor tactile suitability? Connect with our experts regarding questions on your project-specific needs. Partnerships promoting accessibility serve all communities graciously.




Q1: What indoor/outdoor tactiles require similar maintenance?

A: While outdoor tiles demand more robust materials, basic cleaning/inspection intervals align indoors/outdoors for general maintenance of code-compliant tactile.


Q2: Can outdoor tactiles be used indoors?

A: Typically, no, as outdoor tiles focus on weather resistance over aesthetics/comfort. Some rigid composite outdoor tiles may suffice indoors if matching load ratings. Consult manufacturers.


Q3: What's the service life of indoor polymer composites?

A: Quality polymer composite tactile tiles last 15-20 years indoors on average with proper installation and maintenance. High-use zones may require refreshing every 10+ years.


Q4: How often should post-installation inspections occur?

A: Recommended intervals are monthly for heavy-use areas, quarterly for average traffic zones, or annually for low-usage spaces to catch needs early for remediation.

6 Things You Need to Know About Photoluminescent Exit Signs

12th Aug 2024

Emergency egress is one of the most important aspects of building safety. Whether it is navigating your way out during a scheduled fire drill or escaping in the event of an actual emergency, clearly visible exit signage plays a pivotal role. Yet, not all exit signs are created equally. Traditional incandescent and LED exit signs have minimal drawbacks like maintenance requirements and unreliable performance during power outages. This is where photoluminescent exit signs shine as the optimal solution.


Made with advanced luminous materials, photoluminescent exit signs provide reliable emergency guidance without any external power source. They are becoming increasingly popular for both new construction and retrofit applications across Canada. As a premier supplier of Canadian-made, code-compliant tactile and accessibility solutions, we want building owners and managers to be well-informed about the benefits of these innovative signs. 


How Photoluminescent Exit Signs Work?


Photoluminescent exit signs utilize a technology called photoluminescence to continuously glow even without power. Their secret lies in a special phosphorescent pigment, usually zinc sulfide, applied over the sign surface. When this pigment absorbs visible or UV light during the day, electrons inside the material get elevated to a higher energy state. Once the illumination source disappears at night, the electrons gradually decay back to their normal position, releasing the stored photons in the process.


Detailed guide: How Do Photoluminescent Exit Signs Work? A Science Explainer


This phenomenon provides exit signs with the ability to glow brightly for extended hours after a brief exposure to light. Studies show that Ecoglo signs, our premium photoluminescent brand, can retain up to 90% of initial luminance through multiple charge-discharge cycles, ensuring high visibility even after hours of darkness. No replacement batteries or electricity is required for operation, making these signs a reliable egress solution in any emergency scenario.


Six key things you need to know about photoluminescent exit signs


1. No Maintenance Requirements


Unlike traditional exit signs with electrical components, photoluminescent exit signs are completely self-sustaining - they require no external power source or battery backup. Their luminous pigments are charged by fluorescent lamps or natural daylight and continue glowing in darkness for several hours, providing reliable guidance even during prolonged power outages.


The best part is that they are maintenance-free. There are no electrical components like lamps or batteries to replace on a scheduled basis. Building management does not have to allocate time and money for routine maintenance inspections. Photoluminescent exit signs are also more durable and have a longer lifespan compared to LED or incandescent exit signs. With proper charging, the same sign can last for many years with no operational costs.


2. Code Compliant for New & Existing Buildings


All exit signs installed in Canadian buildings are required to meet national and provincial codes like NBCC, OBESPA, AODA, ISO, etc. Photoluminescent exit signs meet and exceed these codes without any challenge. They are suitable for new construction projects and retrofitting of existing buildings.


Section 1024 of the National Building Code of Canada mandates the installation of photoluminescent exit path markings, including signs. UL 924 certification guarantees code compliance. So, opting for photoluminescent signs satisfies all regulatory requirements for accessible and evacuation routes. It allows effortless compliance, saving design and installation hassles.


3. Always Active Guidance


Unlike traditional exit signs that rely on switches and backup power, photoluminescent signage glows automatically without any activation in low or no light conditions. The luminous pigments provide instant, consistent illumination during emergencies for continuous guidance.


Even if there is a total power outage, these signs shine brightly right away without delay. Their glow penetrates smoke effectively for maximum visibility during evacuation. Photoluminescent exit signage eliminates the risk of signs failing to illuminate due to switch malfunctions or drained batteries. People can count on them for uninterrupted emergency egress.


4. Enhanced Visibility & Wayfinding


The low-glare, evenly glowing surface of photoluminescent signs provides optimal contrast and legibility compared to LED exit signs. Their illumination is cast in all directions without shadows for visibility from long distances and varied viewing angles.


Additionally, photoluminescent exit signs can incorporate wayfinding information beyond just "EXIT" markings. Features like directional arrows and coded zone identification help people navigate complex buildings speedily during emergencies. They reduce confusion risks compared to basic exit signs. The path markings provide clear, continuous guidance from start to finish of any evacuation route.


5. Attractive yet Cost-Effective


The most compelling argument in favor of photoluminescent signs is their extremely competitive pricing and high return on investment. With simple self-charging mechanics, they eliminate periodic maintenance and replacement costs of traditional signs over the long run.


Their refined, modern aesthetics also integrate seamlessly into any interior design without looking out of place. So whether retrofitting or new construction, building owners gain form and function benefits at reasonable prices. Additionally, several Canadian government incentive programs promote the adoption of luminous emergency signage for accessibility upgrades.


6. Meeting Unique Requirements of Challenging Environments


Certain structures like arenas, convention centers, stadiums, or airports hosting massive daily footfalls present unique signage challenges. Traditional options may struggle with heavy-duty or rapid recharging needs in such high-traffic locales. Ecoglo signs, however, have undergone strenuous testing to prove resilience against over 10 million foot strikes with negligible fade in luminance.


Their photoluminescent pigment also recharges exceptionally fast with just 30 minutes of typical daily indoor lighting. This enables maintaining regulated glow levels through consistently high exposure-discharge cycles, even in ultra-busy facilities. Ecoglo signs emerge as a one-solution answer for diverse conditional requirements across all project types and locations.


The Wrap


It is important to work with an experienced local supplier accustomed to all applicable codes in your area. We offer code-compliant, high-performance products preferred by authorities across Canada. Our signs enhance facilities and operations while meeting budgets - contact us to start your risk-free evaluation.


Employing code-compliant, innovative exit signage from a credible local supplier safeguards people and peacefully satisfies regulatory compliance requirements. Contact us today to help you make the switch to reliable, cost-effective photoluminescent solutions that match your facility's needs and budget. Our experts handle everything from sign selection to installation support services.

Guiding Safe Evacuation with Tactile and Photoluminescent Signage

12th Aug 2024

Ensuring accessible egress routes during emergencies is paramount. This blog discusses how code-compliant signage helps guide all occupants, especially those with disabilities, to safety in evacuations.


Canada's Rigorous Accessibility Standards


As an inclusive nation, Canada enforces stringent accessibility laws through the National Building Code (NBC) and provincial building codes. These regulations mandate universally accessible evacuation routes to protect human life above all.


NBC Chapter 3 thoroughly outlines exit sign requirements to aid visibility-impaired individuals effectively. Besides conventional exit signs, it explicitly requires:


  • Photoluminescent signs are illuminated without any electrical power.

  • Tactile cues along entire exit paths denoting hazards or directional changes.

  • Sign placement considering vision and cognitive impairments as per universal design principles.


Failure to comply can result in hefty penalties or liability lawsuits if an incident occurs due to inadequate signage. It emphasizes the critical need for code-certified solutions.


Combining Tactile and Photoluminescent Solutions


Integrating tactile and photoluminescent systems creates optimally accessible egress routes. While tactile products, like truncated dome tiles, aid those with vision loss, photoluminescent signs benefit all during outages. Here are some synergistic solutions:


  • Ecoglo photoluminescent signs, tested to AODA/NBC, help non-disabled evacuate power outages safely.

  • AccessTile dome tiles and bars caution about exit pathway hazards even without visibility.

  • ArmorTile directional bars and domes safely guide disabled occupants along designated routes.

  • ElanTile's porcelain tiles with domes and bars withstand decades of use while exceeding tactile standards.


Partnering suppliers ensure that specifying code-certified products meets unique facility needs and foot traffic intensities.


Emergency Signage Installation Best Practices


Proper installation boosts signage lifespan and performance. Consider:


  • Mount photoluminescent signs 1.8-2.4m above the floor as per codes.

  • Fasten signs securely with tamper-proof hardware suitable for indoor/outdoor conditions.

  • Align tactile products flush along entire designated paths without gaps disrupting the flow.

  • Adhere to manufacturers' specified substrate preparation and placement guidance.

  • Use third-party inspectors post-install to ensure code compliance before occupancy.


Partnering with an experienced accessibility solutions provider streamlines compliant installations for hassle-free execution and adherence to prescribed techniques.


How Photoluminescent Signs Facilitate Safe Evacuation?


Photoluminescent exit signs provide critical illumination without electricity. Some key benefits:


  • Remain visible independently for 70+ hours after just 1 hour of 54 lux light exposure.

  • Store and gradually emit ambient light using day-charging technology to guide evacuations safely during emergencies like power outages caused by fires.

  • Exceed code specifications for luminance levels and glow-duration, outperforming battery-powered options over the long run.

  • Weatherproof, corrosion-resistant designs make them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use without covers or additional protections.

  • The lower total cost of ownership versus traditional LED exit signs needing frequent battery replacements.


Their unparalleled reliability and minimum maintenance requirements aid quick, orderly evacuations from all facilities.


Tactile Systems Enhance Accessible Navigation


Properly placed tactile systems are invaluable accessibility aids, particularly during emergencies:


  • Truncated dome tiles serve as critical hazard indicators, like notifying abrupt floor changes.

  • Parallel bar textures safely delineate designated evacuation paths for disabled individuals.

  • Canes cannot detect subtle cues like directional arrows, making tactility imperative for guiding visually impaired evacuees.

  • Raised tiles provide orientation even in total darkness when vision is obscured by smoke during emergencies.

  • Regularly inspect and promptly replace aging, damaged tactile solutions to maintain unobstructed navigation.


Investing in code-compliant signage reassures evacuation preparedness for people with disabilities.


Recommended Tactile and Photoluminescent Brands


Some top manufacturers supplying synergistic solutions for safe, inclusive evacuation guidance include:


  • Ecoglo - Premium photoluminescent exit signs, stairs, and path markers independently tested to AODA and NBC standards.

  • AccessTile - Advanced polymer composite truncated domes and directional bars for cast or surface applications.

  • ArmorTile - Heavy-duty detectable warning tactile tiles engineered to withstand decades of use.

  • ElanTile - High-end porcelain tactile indicators combining elegance with exceptional longevity.

  • AdvantageOne - Specialized metal domes and bars meeting compliance needs of large infrastructure projects.


Consult accessibility experts to specify ideal products aligning with your facilities' unique spatial requirements and foot traffic volumes.

Proactively implementing code-certified signage reassures dependable evacuation from unforeseen emergencies for people of all abilities. Tactile Solution Canada is committed to supplying trusted, rigorously tested solutions for effortless compliance.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What signage is required along exit routes?

A. Each exit level needs illuminated EXIT signs and directional indicators as per NBC/OBC. Photoluminescent exit signs must glow for a minimum of 60 minutes without power as well.


Q. How can facilities affordably upgrade aging signage?

A. Outsource specialized inspections to experts and replace non-compliant solutions. Also, work with suppliers offering installation, budget plans, and preventative maintenance contracts.


Q. Are the same requirements mandated for interiors and exteriors?

A. While NBC/OBC guidelines differ slightly, photoluminescent signs certified to applicable codes can be safely used indoors or outdoors without additional coverings due to weatherproof, durable, luminous pigments.

Best Practices for Maintaining Compliance in Indoor Environments

12th Aug 2024

Ensuring accessibility compliance of indoor spaces is crucial, but maintaining it over the long run requires diligent effort. While proper selection of code-compliant tactile solutions from the outset helps achieve accessibility, consistent upkeep is equally important for continued safe navigation. This blog outlines best practices for facilities managers, contractors, and building owners to reliably sustain accessibility standards indoors through regular maintenance routines.


Understanding Key Indoor Accessibility Regulations


The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and Ontario Building Code (OBC) mandate that public spaces be barrier-free for all individuals. Tactile walking surface indicators (TWSIs), like truncated dome tiles, caution drop-offs while parallel bars delineate designated paths. Proper placement, as per the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) B651, helps the visually impaired orient independently.


Regular post-occupancy assessments verify adherence. Non-compliance can result in hefty penalties or liability lawsuits if someone gets injured. It is thus prudent to proactively maintain installed solutions and promptly address defects. Renew tactile beforehand rather than reacting to non-compliance notices.


Developing Comprehensive Inspection Protocols


The first step is having standardized inspection checklists capturing all essential tactile product details as per applicable codes. Inspect dome height, bond integrity, visual clarity, alignment, cleanliness, and signage legibility regularly based on traffic volumes. High-usage areas need monthly checking, while low-traffic zones can be biannual.


Record observations with dated images for documenting remedial work quality over time. Note defective locations, annual replacement areas, and solutions nearing lifespan's end. Community audits provide user feedback. Partnering inspection experts ensures comprehensive, consistent audits adhering to prescribed procedures.


Selecting Durable, Compliant Indoor Tactile Solutions


When selecting initial or replacement solutions, choose products rated for 10-15 years of durability under typical indoor conditions. Consider application, surface material, aesthetics, and costs.


Popular Options:


  • Porcelain tiles withstand decades of use but require proper bonding to the floors.

  • Composite polymer tiles balance compliance, longevity, and affordability for most spaces.

  • Rubber tiles suit healthcare and transit centers experiencing footfall 24/7.

  • Cast iron/metal tiles embed permanently into new concrete for 20+ year lifespans.


Choose surface-applied or embeddable variants and truncated dome, parallel bar, or combined textures suiting the specific environment's designated hazardous areas and routes according to codes.


Partner with expert tactile suppliers to advise on ideal solutions meeting your unique building needs and traffic intensities. Their technical support aids in correct specification and installation for ongoing accessibility.


Developing Comprehensive Maintenance Routines


With accessibility-critical tactile infrastructure implemented, the focus shifts to establishing maintenance best practices sustaining compliance long-term:


  • Schedule semi-annual deep cleaning of all tactile tiles and replace severely soiled units.

  • Inspect post renovation/construction to verify tactiles weren't disturbed or need realignment.

  • Conduct post-event walkthroughs after major gatherings/functions.

  • Review biannual condition assessments and proactively replace aging solutions before failure.

  • Note remedial repairs from periodic inspections and address them promptly.

  • Outsource annual specialty audits measuring dome height to experts.

  • Train cleaning/maintenance staff in tactile product care and notifying upcoming replacements.


Partnering supplier maintenance agreements provides turnkey support encompassing everything from periodic inspection to material supply for ad-hoc repairs and scheduled replacements. This guarantees continued accessibility over decades.


Addressing Common Challenges


Accessibility compliance maintenance faces occasional hurdles. Proper protocols overcome such challenges:


  • Budget constraints: Prioritize high-footfall zones and leverage community audits/supplier relationships for cost-effective solutions.

  • Staffing issues: Outsource specialized tasks temporarily or upskill in-house teams through accessibility certification courses.<b>Renovations: Specify tactile relocation/replacement plans well in advance and inspect pre/post-occupancy.

  • Damage from events: Enhance maintenance post large public programs to restore tactile promptly.


When proactively addressing such compliance maintenance roadblocks through collaborative partnerships, facilities reliably protect accessibility achievements for all.


Facilitating Emergency Upgrades


Prepare contingency plans addressing urgent code issues efficiently:


  • Stock maintenance inventory of common tactile products

  • Secure emergency funding/services pre-approval

  • Assign trained staff to oversee immediate corrections

  • Comply with accessibility legislation timelines for corrections


Proactively mitigating compliance risks future-proofs the user experience and minimizes legal liabilities.


Tactile Solutions from Tactile Solution Canada


As a trusted accessibility solutions provider, Tactile Solution Canada offers various indoor tactile product options suitable for both new construction and renovated facilities across Canada:


  • AccessTile Replaceable and ArmorTile Cast-In-Place polymer composite tiles balance strength, customization, and cost-effectiveness for most indoor applications.

  • Porcelain ElanTile adds aesthetic elegance to commercial lobbies while exceeding durability standards.

  • AccessTile Fire-rated composite systems satisfy strict codes for exit pathways, vestibules, and lobbies which is compulsory to install on buildings with 7 or more floors.

  • Rubber EonTile suits office buildings and apartment buildings experiencing intense footfall.

  • Cast iron/metal plates guarantee 20+ year lifespans when embeddable into concrete floors.


Backed by technical expertise, the company can advise on ideal tactile solutions for your facility, specify them as per unique criteria, and provide maintenance support to optimize accessibility in the long term.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. How often should indoor tactile be replaced?

A. Quality indoor tactile tiles typically last 10-15 years. Those in heavy traffic zones may need replacing every 5-8 years. Semi-annual inspections help assess product condition and proactively schedule replacements.


Q. What maintenance is required for indoor tactile?

A. Routine semi-annual deep cleaning removes accumulated dirt, debris, or residues. Inspect post any floor work to ensure tactile weren't disturbed. Promptly address defects from periodic inspections.


Q. How can budget constraints be overcome?

A. Prioritize high-traffic areas and leverage community audits. Outsource specialized inspection/auditing tasks temporarily. Partner with suppliers experienced in cost-effective compliance solutions.


Sustaining indoor accessibility requires diligent, proactive efforts. By developing comprehensive inspection-maintenance protocols and tapping resources from experts, facilities can reliably maintain compliance for all users over the long run. Tactile Solution Canada assists contractors in achieving this goal every step of the way.

Integrating Code-Compliant Tactile and Technology to Enhance Building Accessibility

12th Aug 2024

In today's fast-paced world, accessibility and inclusion have become paramount for the design of public and private built environments. With rising advocacy, various levels of government in Canada have enacted comprehensive accessibility legislation to ensure buildings and exterior spaces are barrier-free for people of all abilities. As a leading Canadian provider of code-compliant tactile solutions, we at Tactile Solution Canada recognize the importance of continually evolving our offerings to meet the dynamic needs of architects, designers, and end-users.


This blog explores innovative ways to amplify accessibility through thoughtful integration of tactile technology and innovative assisted navigation systems. We discuss the latest options available to enhance wayfinding via multiple sensory modalities like touch, vision, and hearing. The goal is to create intuitive, welcoming built environments that empower independent mobility for diverse communities through multi-sensory guidance.


Considering Human Factors in Design


Before diving into specific solutions, it is prudent to discuss human-centric design principles. As per AODA and the National Building Code of Canada (NBC), facilities must consider diverse physical, sensory, and cognitive abilities during planning and construction. A holistic, user-focused approach involves deeply understanding how various limitations and needs shape navigation behaviors.


For example, vision impairment necessitates highly contrasting, distinguishable tactile textures for hazard detection and directional cues. Subtle cues may go unnoticed. Similarly, some learning or cognitive disabilities benefit from supplementary audio instructions paired with visual/tactile wayfinding. Designing with diverse human factors in mind leads to more intuitive, inclusive spaces nurturing dignity and participation for all.


Leveraging Code-Compliant Tactile Solutions


Standard tactile walking surface indicators (TWSIs) like truncated domes and wayfinding bars per CSA B651 remain the cornerstone of accessible design and continue enhancing safety under the AODA. Some innovative options now available include:


  • Porcelain tactile tiles offer aesthetic elegance with durability for demanding environments.

  • Photoluminescent (PL) stair nosings and exit path markings visible in emergencies per NFPA 101.

  • Rigid polymer and rubber domes/bars cuttable to custom contours for unique architectural features.

  • Friction-enhanced, anti-slip surfaces upgrading safety on stairs/ramps as per IFC.


Proper specification and installation as per manufacturer guidelines ensure longevity and accessibility compliance throughout a facility's lifecycle. Periodic inspection maintains the continuity of circulation paths.


Augmenting Wayfinding with Assistive Technologies


While tactile remains the universal standard, complementary technologies now aid navigation for those preferring multi-sensory modalities:


  • Indoor navigation apps integrating building Floor Plans, augmented reality (AR) overlays, and turn-by-turn voice instructions.

  • Bluetooth beacons paired with smartphone apps broadcasting location-specific audio describing nearby points of interest.

  • Smart glasses displaying AR directions/text on camera view for the visually impaired or those unable to look down at phones.

  • Echo locate apps utilizing echolocation by interpreting clicks or snaps bounced off surfaces as navigational cues similar to bats or dolphins.

  • Wearable vibrotactile systems providing navigation via patterns of vibrations on the wrist indicative of direction (left/right).


Public facilities are now experimenting with modular, scalable smart accessories discreetly installed and remotely managed via cloud-based monitoring for reliability. As battery/network technologies evolve, assistive possibilities continue expanding.


Integrating Tactile with Assisted Technologies


Fully leveraging both sensory modalities optimizes wayfinding support. Some integration strategies are:


  • Augmenting traditional tactile TWSIs with embedded RFID or QR codes enabling AR/audio overlays activated by smartphones for those preferring multi-sensory navigation.

  • Installing beacons near points of interest, triggering AR directions/labels on smart glasses worn by visitors with low or no vision.

  • Strategically pairing vibrotactile bracelets or smartwatches providing directional feedback with building app routes plotted atop floor plans for indoor navigation.

  • Integrating echolocation apps with distinctive acoustic textures on critical TWSIs uniquely identifiable solely by echo bounce patterns.

  • Deploying Bluetooth beacons near large Braille/text displays on interactive directories for broadcasting descriptions to nearby visually impaired audiences.


Seamless coordination of multiple guidance methods leads to enhanced accessibility and welcomes diverse navigation styles under one inclusive built experience. The future of wayfinding lies in such harmonized sensory integration.


Closing Out 


In summary, thoughtful integration of tactile technologies and assisted navigation elevates accessibility. A holistic, user-focused approach nurtures inclusive, intuitive circulation for diverse communities. Tactile Solution Canada remains committed to pioneering innovative, code-compliant tactile solutions that enable independence and dignity for all. Please reach out should you require guidance on accessibility upgrades leveraging the synergies of code-compliant tactile.


FAQs about Tactile and Technology Integration


Q. Are assistive technologies dependable for critical applications as code-mandated TWSIs?

A. While rapidly evolving, most assisted technologies remain supplementary rather than replacements for universal tactile standards. TWSIs engineered for rigorous durability ensure fail-safe compliance. Complementary tech aids should not compromise safety.


Q. How can outdoor navigation be augmented via integration?

A. Beacons paired with directional vibrotactile systems or echolocation apps aid outdoor mobility. Porcelain tactiles endure demanding situation. AR overlaying critical infrastructure improves the accessibility of large public sites with sparse navigation options.


Q. Is tech integration challenging for older buildings?

A: Retrofitting assisted tech into legacy structures presents unique challenges, but many solutions exist. For instance, RFID/beacon modules are discreetly mounted on existing TWSIs without impeding detectability. Outdoor apps augment circulation paths on site maps without facility upgrades. With creative planning, enhanced wayfinding benefits all.


Q. How does integration impact code compliance?

A. Integration should never compromise compliance with accessibility standards. Tactile cues meeting rigors of CSA B651, IFC, NBC, etc., serve as a baseline. Assisted options provide supplementary support without replacing or jeopardizing the fail-safe universality of standardized tactile indicators as mandated. Creative solutions optimize multi-sensory guidance under compliance.