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Celebrating 7 Years of Success: Real Customer Stories on Making Spaces More Accessible

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Celebrating 7 Years of Success: Real Customer Stories on Making Spaces More Accessible

"Change begins where comfort zones end; if we want to move forward as individuals and as a society, we must recommit ourselves daily to growing in understanding and compassion." - Dalai Lama


A commitment to accessibility means cultivating compassion by keeping others' needs and experiences in mind. It calls us to thoughtfully craft safe, navigable spaces benefitting people regardless of ability through inclusive design. When it comes to accessibility, it's often treated as just another box to tick at the end of a construction project. But taking the time to integrate inclusive design from the beginning can make a huge difference. By partnering with Tactile Solution Canada right from the start, many have discovered that focusing on people, not just compliance, brings long-lasting benefits.


Take the story of a regional airport built five years ago. Initially, the airport's wayfinding system failed to meet the needs of people who rely on alternative sensory navigation. Without early input from accessibility experts, they chose cheaper materials that didn't comply with regulations, leading to safety concerns, complaints, and fines. The airport facility then brought in Tactile Solution Canada to help. Together, they revamped the passenger experience, turning the airport into a welcoming travel hub for everyone.


Mark Collins, the Facilities Manager, shared, "Tactile Solution Canada helped us achieve full compliance with well-executed installations and continuous staff training. But more importantly, they helped us create a space where everyone feels welcome, strengthening our community ties."


This story highlights how being mindful of accessibility from the start can future-proof facilities, making them inclusive for everyone. Let's look at a few more examples of how Tactile Solution Canada has helped create spaces that everyone can enjoy.


Story #1: An Urban University


When an urban university decided to update its aging walkways, they made sure to focus on accessibility right from the start. Tactile Solution Canada experts made sure to ensure the project met all compliance requirements from the initial planning stages.


"By combining universal design principles with compliant tactile solutions, we created a campus that is not only accessible but also looks great," Scott Evans said.


They installed truncated dome tiles in the walkways, making it easier for all pedestrians to navigate the campus confidently. Stair nosing strips were added to the staircases to ensure safe descents, even in low light. The university also used Access Tile fire-resistant tactiles to guide emergency evacuation routes, with Ecoglo exit signs that recharge with natural daylight, providing extra safety without relying on electricity.


Today, the university is a model of inclusivity, with accessible routes connecting all parts of the campus, helping to create a welcoming environment that fosters both student success and community pride.


Story #2: An Emergency Services Facility


When a new municipal emergency response center was being built, accessibility was a top priority from day one. Fire Chief David Johnson made sure of that by involving Tactile Solution Canada early in the process to navigate the complex codes required for safe evacuations, especially for those with special needs.


"Accessibility is crucial in emergencies, and Tactile Solution Canada gave us the guidance we needed to get it right," Fire Chief David Johnson explained. "Their advice helped us create a facility that will serve our community well for years to come."


The center now features warning tactiles and directional bars that guide people safely throughout the building. The egress routes are illuminated with Ecoglo photoluminescent stair nosings and exit signs, ensuring that everyone can evacuate safely, even if the power goes out. Outside, the parking areas are clearly marked with Advance Cast Iron tactiles, making it easy for everyone to navigate.


Five years later, the center continues to pass annual audits, maintaining its accessibility certification and proving that thoughtful design pays off in creating spaces that serve everyone.


Story #3: A Sports Arena


When a sports arena was being retrofitted to host wheelchair basketball championships, mid-construction code changes required a quick pivot. Facility Director Marcus Rogers turned to Tactile Solution Canada for help.


"Accessibility greatly improves the experience for all our visitors," said Mr. Rogers. "With Tactile Solution Canada's help, we created a space where everyone can enjoy sports, no matter their ability."


The arena now features AccessTile truncated dome walkway indicators and directional bars that guide spectators. Ramps were upgraded with Ecoglo stair nosing for easy wheelchair access. Inside, seating areas now include level footrests and companion seating, promoting social inclusion for everyone.


Outside, Advantage Cast Iron tactiles mark pathways, parking, and entrances, ensuring safety from the moment visitors arrive. Regular audits keep the arena compliant, proving that investing in accessibility is a winning strategy for everyone involved.


Common Themes for Success


Through these stories, we see a common thread: thoughtful, compliant installations that meet the specific needs of each facility. Here's what they all have in common:


  • Early Involvement: Bringing in accessibility experts from the start makes compliance easier.

  • Inclusive Design: Using universal design principles ensures spaces are welcoming for everyone.

  • Quality Products: Choosing products that meet code and ASTM standards ensures safety and durability.

  • Longevity: Selecting materials that stand up to heavy use promotes long-lasting accessibility.

  • Ongoing Maintenance: Regular training and maintenance keep spaces compliant and safe.

  • Community Engagement: Designing with respect for all users strengthens community ties.


By integrating these best practices, managers can create spaces that go beyond just meeting regulations—they can foster communities where everyone can participate and thrive.


Final Thoughts on Accessibility Investments


More than just following regulations, investing in accessibility is about creating spaces where everyone can live, work, and play safely and with dignity. Mark Collins from the regional airport summed it up well:


"By investing in accessibility from the start, we ensure our facilities will continue to serve everyone seamlessly as our communities grow. It's about respect and making sure everyone feels welcome."


Marcus Rogers from the sports arena agreed:


"Making our facilities accessible means creating spaces where everyone feels they belong. The products from Tactile Solution Canada ensure safety and compliance for generations to come."


Concluding Thoughts


By designing spaces with people in mind, we create environments where everyone, regardless of ability, can thrive. Tactile Solution Canada is proud to support this mission by providing the expertise, products, and guidance needed to make accessibility a reality from the very start. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you create inclusive spaces that truly benefit everyone.